Player Connection

SFYS Player Connection
As the league of registration, San Francisco Youth Soccer does not form teams or place players and coaches on rosters. Primary responsibility for finding (or creating) a team rests with coaches, players, and their families. Teams are formed independently, through schools or neighborhoods, by soccer clubs, and community groups.
SFYS hosts this Player Connection page as a resource to help teams and players find each other–follow the steps below to list yourself as a team or player, or browse our public postings.
- Players: Click here for a general overview of SFYS divsions and some advice and considerations when looking for a team.
- Coaches: Click here for more information on how to form a team and register.
Step 1: Players, let coaches know you're looking!
Add your player's name and your contact information to the SFYS Free Agent Listing. Teams who are looking will have access to that list and the opportunity to reach out.
- Reminder: Per SF Rec & Park rules, players may register for ONE soccer league team per season (SFYS, CYO, CCSL, NorCal, Microsoccer).
Step 2: Teams, let players know you have space!
To appear in the listing, fill out a Team Profile on the Teams Looking for Players Form.
After you submit the form, you'll receive instructions on how to access the SFYS Free Agent Listing.
Be detailed and thorough in your team description and your expectations. We also highly recommend that you check with your player's friends and schoolmates for possible interest.
More League Resources
Step 3: Keep an eye on the lists, and reach out!
Click here for a public listing of teams looking for players (keep checking back –we tend to get a bunch of submissions right before team registration deadlines, mid-May and late November!).
When you find a team (or fill up your open roster slots), email us at to remover your name or team from the availability lists.
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