Financial Aid

Our commitment to the soccer playing youth of San Francisco extends to ensuring that participation is not limited based on financial considerations.
Amount of assistance varies based on need, at a minimum in compliance with the SF Rec & Park Scholarship Policy, per our commitment as an Approved Public Benefit Organization.
Who qualifies for Financial Aid?
- Players in a California State Benefit Program
- Players in a Medi-Cal Program
- Players in the Healthy Families Program
- Players who have been approved by SFUSD for free/reduced lunch
- Players who live in public housing
- Family financial constraints due to disability
- Family financial constraints due to unemployment
Requests for Financial Assistance should be initiated at the time of registration for each season and no later than two weeks afterwards.
- Complete our Online Affidavit for Financial Aid form and upload supporting documentation.
- Tip: We recommending gathering the above applicable documents to make them readily available for upload during the application process.