Want to ref with SFYS?
ADULTS and Youth 13+

Training Dates will be posted throughout the year on the Ref Training page. In the meantime, fill out this Referee Inquiry Form and we'll notify you of referee events and trainings. 

General Overview of
in SFYS Leagues

  1. Referee responsibilities are to get assignments to officiate matches

  2. Show up at your assignment at least 20 minutes early to do field inspection

  3. Check coaches & players in 

  4. Call the game - based on SFYS League rules by division and playing ages 

  5. Report Scores and Team S.T.A.R.s - the same weekend of the games (so you can be paid in full)

More Detail + Tips & Tricks:
Game Day (Referee)

How SF Youth Soccer Supports Referees

  • In-season Game Day Hotline for immediate support pitchside

  • US Soccer Foundation-sponsored week long comprehensive grassroots training
  • Pre- and mid-season gatherings/pizza parties to groove you into the various systems, meet other refs, answer questions you might have about SFYS rules/procedures.
  • New referees may sign up to be at a field with a mentor for the first couple of weeks. Check with your referee assignor if you are interested in our Referee Mentor Program.
  • Follow-up gatherings to provide more support or just have fun getting to know your fellow referees.


Referees are independent contractors that will access several different websites in order to secure matches to ref and also to report scores (requirement to get paid).

​To get assignments, you will need to log on to the PENSRA Referee Assignment system​. Once in the PENSRA site, it is important to pay attention to where the games are and the hosting organization so you can figure out reporting and any W-9 requirement or PayPal account issues.

Note that SFYS requires all referees to submit page 1 of the  W-9 form filled out and signed by the referee. This includes minors. It may be emailed, faxed to 415-504-8133 or posted to: SF Youth Soccer, 1434 Taraval St, Suite A, San Francisco, CA 94116.

SF Youth Soccer runs both Fall and Spring soccer for SFYS Recreational and SF Upper House (competitive) play. PENSRA Match Reports must be submitted by every referee on the game in order to be paid.

Center vs. AR (Assistant Referee or Linesperson)

A Center Referee for recreational matches are usually the only official at the match. Linespersons or Assistant referees for competitive matches may be certified officials such as yourself or for recreational matches, may be a volunteer parent with minimal training to help call the in and out of bounds. Center Referees are in charge and may override applicable calls made by the Assistant Referee (Linesperson).

Referee Payment Notes
for SFYS Leagues

There are three requirements to secure payment for referee'ing SFYS matches:

  1. Every referee must submit a signed W-9 form to SFYS (you can securely upload this in PENSRA). 

  2. ​Referee payment is based on game reporting. All Referees on every match must report. Submit match reports via Pensra.

    Note: The Mentor rate on any SFYS match is $30 per match (7v7, 9v9, or 11v11)

  3. We require timely score reports that include the names of both teams' S.T.A.R.s. ​We reserve the right to deduct $5.00 per match from late reported matches and/or lack of S.T.A.R.'s reported. Deadline to report scores to receive full rate of pay is 24 hours. Deadline to report all Spring 2025 season matches is 5/18/25 by midnight!

  4. Referees may now opt in for Direct Deposit instead of paper checks! Fill out this form here.

General Bonuses:

  • +$10 for every match you stay and ref in a pinch on a game where an assigned ref doesn't show. 

  • +$50 for every 15 SFYS matches officiated 


2024-25 SEASON 

Updated for Spring 2025

& Age

Competition & Duration

Payment per Game


2nd-3rd Grades

20m halves

$25 per game

Each team provides linesperson (S.T.A.R.)

Referee report to get paid

4th-5th Grades

30m halves

$35 per game

Each team provides linesperson (S.T.A.R.)

Referee report to get paid

Rec 6th-7th Grades

8th Grade

35m halves

$40 per game

$45 per game

Each team provides linesperson (S.T.A.R.)

Referee report to get paid

Upper House

25m halves

$35 per game

Each team provides linesperson (S.T.A.R.)

Referee report to get paid

Upper House

30m halves

$45 per game

Each team provides linesperson (S.T.A.R.)

Referee report to get paid

Upper House

35m halves

$50 CR

$40 AR per game

If no AR, each team provides linesperson (S.T.A.R.)

All Refs report to get paid

Upper House U15-16

40m halves

$60 CR

$45 AR per game

If no AR, each team provides linesperson (S.T.A.R.)

All Refs report to get paid

Varsity U19

35m halves

$50 per game

$35 AR per game (playoffs only)

If no AR, each team provides linesperson (S.T.A.R.)

All Refs report to get paid

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